"Advanced Nuclear Design And Radwaste Management"(TM)(C.)-Parts I and II:
This unique and specifically requested university course was designed, researched and developed by Adjunct Professor Diane
A. Davis in 2010-2011 at the request of the Stanley Greenwaugh, P.E.- Nuclear (Former U.S. National Reactor Inspector for
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and Chairperson of NYITU, Graduate Engineering Division, College of Computer and Environmental
Engineering and Science, Old Westbury, L.I., N.Y. U.S.A., and is the sole property of Diane A. Davis, M.S., Ph.D. Cand. Copyrights
Claimed July 1, 2011, by filing with U.S. Library of Congress - Office of Copyrights Protection under TXu-001802019. This
course work syllabus, content and textbook are protected under U.S. Federal Copyright and Commerce Laws. The title of this
restricted university graduate course is further protected under filing with U.S. Patent Office, July 11, 2011; and the course
syllabus and lecture content is protected under filing with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission filed July 11, 2020 by formal
paperwork with USNRC Chairperson Gregory B. Jascko, under USNRC-MRL Number .
Both Parts I and II of "Advanced Nuclear Design And Radwaste Management(TM)(C.)" have been filed and registered
restricted graduate university course is the sole property of Diane A. Davis, M.S., Ph.D. Cand., inclusive of the syllabus,
content of any/all lecture/module parts, concepts provided and/or explained, technologies depicted or explained, and/or the
aggregate content and/or textbook thereof may not be transferred to or taught by any other person without express written
approval and consent of Prof. Diane A. Davis and her textbook publisher: Fusion Energy And The Environment Publishing Company,
P.O. Box 628 - G.C.S., NYC, NY 10163.