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Article Four

ARTICLE FOUR                                      


“Thermonuclear Fusion Energy: A Self-Sustainable 'Clean-Green’

 Domestically Generated Fuel for 77% of  U.S. Energy Requirements ”



DIANE A. DAVIS, M.S., Ph.D. Cand.

Article Series Author

                      Copyright clamed May, 2002


In Article Two, we learned about the origin and popular meaning of the terms “green fuel” or “green energy.”  In this article, we will discuss how one very special “green-clean fuel” has the unique capability of producing other “green-clean fuels” different from itself, yet make a significant contribution to other sectors of our fast-track energy demanding economy – 77% of our economy that can be generated and produced domestically by Americans! 


In thermonuclear fusion energy, the plasma fuel blanket is both sustainable and self-sustaining once ignition takes place under optimum temperature and operating pressure conditions.  Once the fuel plasma blanket reaches its self-sustaining burn status, plasma physicists will be in attendance to siphon off excess heat from the fuel blanket and maintain the fuel components at optimum operating conditions by removal and purification process directly adjacent to the fuel chamber itself, and immediate re-use in the fuel chamber itself.


Thermonuclear fusion energy technology is especially unique in its ability to generate plentiful commercial electricity in much larger capacity plants than our largest thermonuclear fission plants of today, but also produce other “green fuels” and “alternative fuels” as by-products that can aide in environmental clean-up and restoration while providing the U.S.A. with ~87% of its fast-track energy demands.


During off-peak electricity demands can be anticipated, alternative clean green hydrogen can be produced from thermonuclear fusion energy powerplant technology because these powerplants will operate well above the 950° C. required to split water molecules into its components O and H2. 


Because the hydrogen will be split off from high-temperature steam and not from a fossil fuel, it will be ~100% pure and can then be placed into reinforced steel canisters and made ready for transport to filling stations, or be distributed through regular supply lines as liquid hydrogen as is natural gas presently distributed throughout the United States, or the hydrogen may be shipped to distribution centers to replenish hydrogen-filled fuel cells that energize cars, municipal buses, municipal vehicles, SUVs, passenger cars, light trucks.  Frozen liquid hydrogen is already the fuel of choice at U.S. NASA Space Program.   Several jet airplane manufacturers such as Boeing and AireBus are experimenting with liquid hydrogen as the fuel of choice for near-term jet model engines.  Together, those energy sectors represent more than 77% of the U.S.A.’s economy!


With thermonuclear fusion energy technology online for its primary electricity generating capacity, the United States could make a huge contribution to promoting worldwide “green energy” and be a leader in conserving precious environmental resources, all the while reducing the atmosphere’s carbon load caused by humankind's activities resulting in many chronic and terminal illnesses causally-related to burning fossil fuels.


Moreover, with thermonuclear fusion energy technology online for powerplant electricity generation, the hydrogen economy could be born and provide a self-sustaining nearly closed-loop of “green sustainable energy” ushering in America’s “green economy” without involving any other nation or foreign state.  The only waste-product from the hydrogen fuel as a by-product of thermonuclear fusion energy would be water from engine condensation.


With thermonuclear fusion energy technology online for all our commercial electricity generation, every U.S. economic sector benefits and everyone wins!


What You Can Do To Bring Clean-Green Fusion Energy Online: and Arrest Global Climate Change:


The urgency and the moment of the environmental, socio-economic and political challenge cannot be overstated or underestimated and therefore deserves repeating.  I cannot urge you strongly enough to take advantage of your democratic privilege and duty, acting responsibly proactively contacting your respective U.S. Congressional representatives, making your voice heard and your demand known that you want to stop global warming, arrest this vicious cycle of extreme weather patterns caused by climate change by undertaking the following:


·        bringing online green-clean self-sustaining thermonuclear fusion energy for electricity generation and the production of by-product clean-green self-sustainable hydrogen now!


·        stopping all fossil fuel burning in America for electricity generation and passenger and municipal car and light truck fuels, (and replacing 77% GDP) with clean-green sustainable by-product fuels generated from thermonuclear fusion energy.



As a Representative-style Democracy our elected representatives are sent to Washington on our behalf to undertake the legislative actions that “We, The People,” want and desire.  Our bicameral Congressional representatives care about our votes and therefore about what we want them to do as we are a self-governed self-determined people.  General Electorate demand (a population of 320 million), making our thoughts and desires for legislative action known to our representatives by contacting them is our own bounded duty and privilege as a self-governed, self-ruled people.  It is our responsibility to direct the decisions taken by U.S. Congress.


We each have one vote and one voice to be heard. That is power! Every elected representative wants to know what his/her constituent wants. It is well within our own power to preserve Planet Earth and bring fusion energy online now! 


YOU can make a difference! Here’s how:

1.    Click on Write Your Representatives, pull down the letter fill in your name, address, date.


2.    Click on Contact Your Elected Representatives, go to the state by state listing for the current Members of U.S. Congress. Fill in the contact information, a letter for each representative and senator in your respective state. Save the letter.


3.    Click on the email address provided for your respective representative and send the letter off immediately to your Senate and House Representative’s office in Washington.


Or, print the letter, sign it and mail it via first class mail.


Of course, you can always compose your own letter in your own words and send it, but still use the contact information as provided above. Be sure to tell your representatives that you want to arrest this vicious cycle of acidification of ocean bodies,  melting of the ice shelves and erosion of the permafrost bulkhead that defines our great ocean bodies, loss of species, loss of livelihoods,  caused by global climate change. 


Tell your representatives that they can easily they can easily stop global warming climate change by:


·        bringing online green-clean self-sustaining fusion energy for electricity generation and the production of by-product clean-green self-sustainable hydrogen now! and


·        stopping all fossil fuel burning in America for electricity generation and passenger and municipal car and light truck fuels, (and replacing 87% GDP with clean – green self-sustainable by-product fuels from thermonuclear fusion energy).


If you think that writing a letter to your elected representatives in Washington is hard or not worth the time and effort, or you’re your voice will not be heard or considered important, consider the alternative of not making your voice heard in Washington:


·        Congress will continue business as usual and protect the Petroleum and Gas Institute cash-rich Lobby with tax subsidies at the expense of your progeny’s sustainability,


·        The amount of environmental destruction will consume our precious Planet Earth.


·        You and your progeny will be living in a world without enough food, water, and  in barren land incapable of feeding and supporting life in all species as well as human beings! 


Is this what you want to leave your children and grandchildren?  We can preserve what we have, but once lost, it is not within humankind’s power to bring it back. Now is the time to act proactively.


For more information, see FUSION ENERGY ~ THE PUBLIC’S GUIDE, VOLUME I,  VOLUME II, VOLUME III and VOLUME VII ,  series of books, films, seminars, lectures or by Becoming a Member.



ArticleThree                                           Article Five Five                                                  


Author Diane A. Davis, Founder and CEO, International Institute For Thermonuclear Fusion Energy Education, R&D, Regulation, Technology and Public Policy, Inc. filed and registered Article Four at U.S. Library of Congress Office of  Copyrights Registration, Washington, D.C.  All copyrights domestic and international claimed by the Author.