At the 6:00 P.M. news on Christmas Day Eve, December 25th, 2008, mainstream American media reported
one of several such coal slurry ponds had broken through its retaining walls and spilled out into the neighboring vicinity.
In its pathway, the toxic hot sludge contaminated ground soil and drinking water, burying homes,
backyard play and swing sets, spilling PCBs, CFCs, heavy metals and highly toxic partially-burned particulate matter throughout
the immediate area. Homeowners were forced to abandon their holiday, their homes and assets to flee from the outpouring of
the hot toxic slurry.
On the ground where food is grown, livestock feeds are now contaminated. And where animals drink
and graze downstream from this tragic spill that flowed out unbounded from poorly maintained ponds into the neighboring vicinity,
now are also contaminated and spoiled.
This spill essentially contaminated the soil and the underground aquifers that serve as drinking
water to the immediate area as well as other vicinities. The soil through which rainwater will penetrate the ground into the
precious drinking water aquifers will leach these highly toxic contaminates for years to come. Both animals and humans will
bear the medical health cost, the biological, physiological and genetic degradation for generations to come.
Pregnant women and their prenatal embryos living in the affected geographic vicinity of the slurry
pond spill would have been subjected to those highly toxic environmental contaminants contained within the hot toxic coal
sludge: the hazards of heavy metals, PCBs and CFCs from partially-combusted coal.
Genetic aberrations, lowered I.Q.s, autism (increasing exponentially every year) learning and behavior
disabilities, gender confusion, incomplete gender gland development, even dual sets of gender glands that were in development
of the sensitive embryo, have all been linked back to the exposure of these toxic elements during the nine months of gestation
in the mother's womb. As the mother is exposed, so too the embryo is exposed through the umbilical chord that connects the
mother's blood to the blood of the embryo and therefore the nourishment and oxygen that the embryo requires will carry these
toxins as well.
As the prenatal exposed child matures and becomes an adult, diseases and disabilities become apparent.
For example, incomplete gender development where the testicles and ovaries do not mature during puberty, dual sets of gender
glands are present, infertility, endometriosis, breast cancer in women, prostrate cancer in men, blood cancer in humans -
all cancer victims being causally-related to untimely deaths. These shortened lives rob individuals and their loved ones of
their family's loving relationships and economic support. Their full human potential along with their special skills and talents
are lost to society through sickness and shortened lives.
For some of these very important scientific studies and statistics, see Fusion Energy ~ The Public's Guide Volume I Averting
Human Extinction: Energy Policy And Environmental Degradation.
Isn't it time that all of us Americans contact our respective elected U.S. representatives voicing
our demand that fusion energy be brought online immediately.
Fusion energy will not contribute PCBs, CFCs when burned, damaging air-borne particulate matter
or heavy metals to our precious natural resources: air, water, or agriculture-grazing soil. Neither will fusion energy harm
any lower species or disrupt the natural reproduction cycle of any specie by genetic aberrations.
Contact your elected Congressional Representatives and the White House,
demanding action: that now is the time to bring online thermonuclear fusion energy that does not use any fossil fuels and
will not cause any genetic aberrations, will not require toxic sludge slurry ponds, or otherwise cause extinction of species
across the board of all life: avian, marine, land as well as humans.
Through the information provided on this website, you can directly participate in your democratic
government by making your voice heard in Washington D.C. as a force for good. Make
your voice heard by making your demand that Congress bring online clean-green, self-sustaining domestically-produced thermonuclear
fusion energy, now!
It's as easy as three clicks. Go to the navigation bar and click on "Write Your Elected Representatives," where a sample letter is provided. The contact information is provided in Elected Representatives that you may easily insert into the sample letter to contact your elected officials in Washington, D.C.
Either send the letter via email or print it and mail it by regular mail.
Post your comment. See our Blog link at the top of this navigation page or go to:
Homepage Article Two
Author, Diane A. Davis, M.S., Ph.D. Cand., Founder and CEO
The International Institute For Thermonuclear Fusion Energy Education, R&D, Regulation, Technology
And Public Policy, Inc.
Article One filed and registered with U.S. Library of Congress, Office of Copyrights Protection,
Washington, D.C. All copyrights domestic and international claimed by Author.