Ms. Davis' "brainchild" began as early as 1972, while practicing design and architecture, Ms. Davis realized
that contemporary design and the construction of buildings was regressive and seemed to her to be backward, considering all
the modern equipment and conveniences we in the profession have today. This modern equipment was not available to the Romans,
and yet, the Romans seemed to have accomplished great engineering feats for their own time in history, 2000 years
To Ms. Davis, the building materials and life-support systems and methodoligies seemed to be wasteful and
energy-consumptive, while at the same time, adding to some adverse health challenges of the occupants...afterall, we spend
90% of our lives in buildings. Thus, Ms. Davis began a quest to "make it (e.g. architecture and design and engineering of
life-support systems of structures) better".
Ms. Davis' quest gathered steam, when in the early to mid-1970s, her profession was hit hard by the resulting
recession which was causally-related to the International Oil Cartels withholding, and therefore artifically inflating, the
prices of imported oil, which the U.S. relied upon heavily for both heating, air conditioning (HVAC) and gasoline, necessitating
the U.S.1977 National Energy Code, modelled originally on the Canadian Energy Code. However, cutting back on the consumption
of oil only led to a recession and loss of jobs throughout America. Hit hardest were the professions and industries
relating to design, architecture, civil, structural, electro-mechanical engineering, all of the construction trades, the real
estate industry, sales persons, manufacturers of building materials, as well as the raw materials providers to the manufacturing
companies. Ms. Davis' interest for scholarly research and study propelled her into gradate-level academic work.
By the end of Ms. Davis' first semester at the mater's level of study, Ms. Davis quickly
realized that each individual practicing professional (i.e. architects and engineers), and each individual building owner
, would not be able to make a dent in the macrocosm of challenges presenting in Ms. Davis' "quest to make it better".
Ms. Davis realized that no multitudinous list of impacting issues would be solved through a pathway of seeking
better ways of designing and building for people in their residences, commercial and industrial places of business. The
problem had to be attacked from a macrocosm model paradigm: these mutitudinous issues lay with powerplant production
of commercial electricity. Otherwise, America would always be facing geo-political blackmail, cutting back consumption,
which is the antithesis of economic growth and accumulation of wealth, with causally-realted recession with lost jobs,
break-up of the nuclear family, the loss of the home asset and homelessness for many Americans..
Thus, throughout her master's degree in energy engineering, science and management, Ms. Davis explored all
types of alternative fuels, the tighter regulations being written for fossil- fuelled power plants, and thermonuclear fission
power plants, the NIMM and NIMBY Syndromes of the general public, 'cold-War" politics, and the underlying socio-political
maneuvering of special interest groups operating covertly in the U.S.A., not readily known to most Americans. These groups
were very busy at work during the Cold-War Era years in America, doing the best they could to railroad America's thermonuclear
fission technologies, which gave the majority of the wealth to us during the post-WWII years. (See below other scholarly works
by Ms. Davis.)
Then, in the 1980s, scientific research began to be published in many different areas of scientific,
medical, botany, zoology, veterinary fields, human health and public administration, suggesting that adverse and irreparable
harm was being done to our global environment resulting in the loss of eco-systems and many species, directly related to fossil-fuel
burning for process engineering, motor vehicles, and residential and commerical hvac systems, and especially power plant production
of commercial electricity.
With her keen interest in thermonuclear fission, in 1982, Ms. Davis began reading and studying a new thermonuclear
reaction known as fusion - (in ralther simplistic terms, the inverse reaction of thermonuclear fission, an atomic reaction
achieved here on earth which mimicks the cosmological astrophysical production of burning plasma in our solar sun).
Although the science and engineering issues were enormous to the R&D community, fusoin energy seemed to be the single
solution that would free America from geo-political blackmail, recessionary periods causally-related to conservation methodologies
and regulation, and consequential loss of jobs for millions of U.S. citizens.
Thus, between the years 1982 to the present, Ms. Davis has continued her graduate study through the
master's and doctoral levels of engineering, publishing numerous scholarly articles, making recommendations to varous
U.S. Government agencies, including U.S. Congressional Representatives, the U.S. Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy,
to various State Governors and State Energy Agency Directors, produced various educational aides, brochures,
presentations, a master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation all on fusion energy. In short, Ms. Davis has become an
expert on
fusion energy.
After studying the impacting issues preventing fusion energy from becoming a proven powerplant
technology for the production of safe, reliable, self-sustaining inexpensive, and environmentally-responsible commercial electricity,
Ms. Davis reduced that macrocosm of challenging issues into a four-part scholarly work which she published as her Master's
Thesis, after registering it with the U.S. Secretary of Energy in October 1991.
Having filed her doctoral dissertation title and outline with the U.S. Department of Energy in 1991, in
1996, Ms. Davis was asked by her expert dissertation committee advisor, Dr. Rush Holt, Associate Director of Princeton University's
Plasma Physics Laboratory, to write a series of articles all about fusion energy for the general public, in "plain English" .
That request became a labor of love, and in between Ms. Davis' heavy professional practice resonsibilities and long project
management hours at the office, a series of more than 10 scholarly articles were written and compiled into Volume
I and Volume II: Fusion Energy ~ The Public's Guide.
Anyone who wants to be well-read and knowledgeable about the many challenges of America's energy needs,
electricity production and this newly-developing fusion energy technology for powerplant production of commercial electrcity,
should have a copy of Volumes I, II and III, IX and X of the Series: FUSION ENERGY ~ THE PUBLIC'S GUIDE.
However, in 1997-98, while undertaking the writing of these articles, the U.S. Congress drastically cut
the funding for sustained fusion energy R&D, due to the maneuvering of SPIGS (special interest groups), who have
more political power than the tax-paying general public. With the next fusion energy experimental project basically
eliminated from the R&D time table due to this drastic cut in Congressional appropriations, the U.S. is now lowing
not only precious times in R&D, but the esoteric human resources that have been conducting the R&D all these many
years, are beginning to retire from science and there won't be another generation with enough knowledge to carry on the R&D
if the funds become re-appropriated at some future date, but our natural fossil fuels are quickly dwindling.
Ms. Davis has calculated the year 2012 A.D. as the year when probable blackouts will occur throughout the
U.S.A.and presented this data in Volume I of the Series.
Thus, the U.S.A. has an urgent need to return to the original R&D time table, so that
the first fusion energy prototypical powerplant technology could be realized when originally planned by U.S. D.O.E.- 2010
A.D., a date when the U.S. will surely need fusion energy to be available.
Therefore, in 1997-98, it seemed the most appropriate thing to do was to make it known to the general
public and set upo this website for easy reference, after registering with U.S. D.O.E. and formally establishing "The
Institute for Thermonuclear Energy Education, Research and Development, Regulation, Technology and Public Policy", with a
Federal EIN and Tax-Exemption status as a Not-for-Profit Organization, Ms. Davis established "The Institute for Fusion
Ms. Davis believes that a significant contribution has been made to her fellow Americans, through making
this educational forum available, which offers a venue, through which the general public may have their questions
and concerns addressed, become edified and fully comprehend not only fusion energy, but the many challenging and impacting
issues surrounding it, powerplant technology in the U.S.A. today, the public health exposure risks, as well as the long-term
irreparable harm we are inflicting not only on all species of the Earth, but also upon our own prodigy's ability to reproduce
naturally with healthy generations to follow.
The Director extends her personal invitation to the general public to read and reflect on the many issues
that are brought to their attention throughout Volumes I - X, but especially through Volumes
I, II and III, which may easily be viewed at About the Series.