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Radio: "1.6 Degrees C., Rising And YOUR Critical Role In CLIMATE CHANGE!"(TM)(C.)

Radio:"1.6 Degrees C., Rising And YOUR Critical Role In CLIMATE CHANGE!"(TM)(C.)

Welcome to our homepage featuring a new public information segmented weekly series on all matters impacted by climate change. Research and scientific facts presented during the first ten broadcasts strongly indicate the need to raise the awareness level throughout the general population of the United States' Continent.

The first ten broadcasted segments will be made available to everyone listening throughout the United States on his/her local community broadcasting station. The week day and hour will be posted when it becomes available: (temporarily not available due to the Novel COVID-19 lockdowns). The program will remain one hour on a weekly occurrence and will retain the same platform based on current in-situ field and laboratory research published in peer-reviewed journals.

Therefor, beginning sometime shortly after July 3rd, 2018, as your researcher, author, producer and host for this public affairs program, the program will be broadcasted on community broadcasting studios throughout the Continental United States through the affiliates of Pacifica Network.

This program was originally broadcast on Drexel University's WKDU 91.7 F.M. (LP) Radio Station that is an award-winning, student-run, free-format, and non-commercial. The weekly series began Monday, January 8th, 2018 in the 9:00 - 10:00 A.M. E.T. public service segment.

Each segment will feature an expert witness as a faculty-researcher, a member of a city or state legislature, or U.S. Congress, who will address the environmental and public health science issues and the respective laws that reflect energy and the environment policy decisions. My guest speakers will also come from special environmental conservation and preservation groups and will include names of candidates who are progressive toward environmental resource preservation and upholding the Clean Air, Clean Water and Non-Toxic Soil Laws that are each and every American's RIGHT to have under the U.S. Constitution.

My guest speakerS will also represent post-doc researchers, or graduate student researchers, or other off- and on-campus, student organizations concerned with climate change and GHGs mitigation through new green, self-sustainable clean electricity-generating technologies that are domestically-generated, such as thermonuclear fusion, nuclear fission, wind power, solar panel arrays, electric cars and buses.

Our listeners will be informed by the most authoritative guest speakers presenting their most up-to-date in-field data collection studies and expertise in his/her respective area of specialization. Our guest speakers will provide factual scientific and/or policy decision-taking information based on scientific evidence, legal and regulatory statutes.

For example, a professor-researcher of a scientific discipline who has studied species' inability to thermally- regulate at observed higher climate-change temperatures, as their natural habitats are simultaneously undergoing degradation of nutrients due to the higher global temperatures; all of which present an inherent danger of short-term or near-term extinction.

Additionally, habitat degradation extending from the rain forests of Africa and Brazil to the millions of species living on land and in the worldwide ocean's coral reef structures of our unique "Blue Marble Planet" are also undergoing the same destruction by increasing amounts of toxic pollution and from GHGs, but more especially from, carbon dioxide and methane, which in turn produce higher acidity simultaneous with warmer waters because the great oceans act as great "heat sinks" to these adverse conditions. These new factors are causally-related to an additional 10% loss of coral reefs over last year's mapping: a drastic loss worldwide causing great concern and alarm.

Worldwide coral reefs support more than six-thousand to an estimated one-million marine species, marine plants and fauna that we depend upon to provide not only components required for homeopathic medicinal preparations but also the unique ingredients necessary for various new allopathic pharmaceutical drugs. Moreover, coral reefs support more than five-hundred million people engaged in the seafood harvesting industries worldwide.

Every one of Planet Earth's ecosystems: oceans, freshwaters, forests, grasslands, wetlands, polar regions, desert regions, mountain regions, and the urban environment constructed by architects and civil engineers for humankind, all have well-defined specie and uniquely-suited habitat environments. All of these unique ecosystems and their various species form the macro-ecological structural platform that supports all life on Earth is at risk, and of course, humankind's survival is also at great risk.

Last year, the IUCN Red List (see link information page) noted 41,415 on the 2016 list with 16,306 endangered animals and plants at near-term extinction. The 2016 Red List added 118 more species over the previous Red Listing. In 2005, the global warming factor was 1.5 degrees C. At the time of the Paris Climate Change Conference, global warming had risen by one-tenth of one full degree to the present 1.6 degrees C. (e.g. 34.88 Degrees Fahrenheit). This is due to the recent increased unregulated hydrofracturing("fracking")technology used for the multi-directional drilling to extract the last drops of natural gas in the Earth's crust, as well as for oil. It is the extraction, distribution, as well as the actual burning of natural gas during the combustion process which has greatly increased the amount of methane and other GHGs in the immediate troposphere of the atmosphere, in just a short period of time of less than a decade.

In some cases, where the actual natural gas drilling wells are located, it has been proven scientifically to be 300% over the same location site prior to the dangerous and unregulated (not included in the U.S. 2005 Energy Policy Act passed by the U.S. Congress.

While we humans are at the top of the species ladder, we are therefore, dependent upon the aggregate macro-ecological system of lower species and their unique habitats found in Planet Earth's uniquely special supportive platform which provides food clothing and habitat resources for humankind. Humans cannot be sustained on Planet Earth without these naturally-occurring multiple ecologies which are all interdependent upon one another for their supportive platform. Humans are experiencing increasing health concerns such as increased adult and childhood asthma, COPD, untimely heart attacks, reproductive and fertility issues, children born with learning and behavioral disorders due to the increased PCBs and CFCs spewed into the natural resources from burning fossil fuels in turn creating global warming, increased acidity with consequential GHG toxic pollutants present in our agricultural and grazing farmlands, our potable water resources located not only in the precious aquifers just beneath the Earth's crust, but in the streams, lakes, rivers, deep oceans, as well as the air we breathe.

Human diseases causally-related to the increasing toxic pollutants are of great concern in research being conducted at Drexel University, as well as other university schools of biological and environmental sciences, medicine, public health and engineering through NSF, private foundation and especially the NIH in Washington, D.C.

Many of our faculty-researchers will be speaking to us with regard to these growing human health issues adversely affecting quality of life issues, and will be speaking as to their concerns as their in-field scientific data presents itself throughout this public service series on all matters impacted by climate change.

In addition, we will be talking with expert faculty researchers in the areas of energy technology and sustainable green design, as well as non-polluting alternative energy fuels and technologies. We will be speaking to decision-makers in key executive positions of our various government agencies about these fuels and technologies. As the ice shelves continue to break away from their original frozen masses, the worldwide coastal tide lines will continue to grow higher. It has been estimated through advanced modelling that even one-tenth of one full degree additionally increases placing our coastal cities in jeopardy. Certainly any city below sea level such as New Orleans would be lost, city-state nations such as Guam and Puerto Rico belonging to the U.S., Greece, Japan, Cuba, the Bahammiam Islands, the Marshall and Marianna Islands, the U.S. and U.K. Virgin Islands, coastal U.S. cities such as Miami would also be subjected to a possible 10 - 60 feet of higher water lines, overflowing the territorial bulkheads, which we all witnessed this last hurricane season in Miami. As the world's financial capital, New York City's Manhattan would lose its excavated basement levels of their highrise structures, its subway system, all underground tunnelways, utilities, piping and potable water that is transferred from the upstate New York reservoirs. Coastal cities such as Boston and Philadelphia would also be to these higher tide lines overflowing their surrounding bulkheads. Permanent flooding would be expected to the 5th storey of these highrises.

It is we humans who are capable of thinking, emoting and acting decisively to change destructive ole and unnecessary paradigms. Climate change is causally-related to 100% human activity; therefore, it is we human beings who must make responsible, reasonable use of these natural resources we have inherited in a very unique "Blue Planet." Most people would agree that we have a moral and ethical responsibility to our children's children and their families to leave our Planet Earth capable of sustaining and supporting them, as we of the present generations have been supported and sustained on Earth. The most recent astrophysical research indicates there are no other planets - certainly within our own galaxy - with the special unique features contained within Planet Earth that may support all living creatures, including humankind. ("Are There Other Earths?", American Scientist Magazine, August-September, 2017, Vol. 104, #4, p.232)

As your researcher, author, producer and host for this new public information and public service radio series, on behalf of all of us in the university communities throughout the United States and our research partners worldwide, I extend a very warm welcome inviting all our WKDU 91.7F.M. listeners in the five counties of Philadelphia and the four counties of southern New Jersey broadcast region. Join us every week for an informative and stimulating new guest speaker on all matters impacted by global warming and consequential climate change.

The series will also touch on ways by which our listeners can participate in mitigating global warming with consequential climate change, thereby changing for the better, the disastrous outdated and destructive paradigm we are now perpetuating and promulgating for our great, great grandchildren, a world in which they must try to live. Will they love us for our careful ethical environmental earth justice and moral responsibility, or will they hate us for having destroyed the unique and precious "Blue Marble" Planet Earth we have desecrated and left to them?

Diane A. Davis, M.S. (Energy Engineering and Environmental Science)

Ph.D. Cand. (Civil - Nuclear and Thermonuclear Engineering + Plasma Physics + Reactor Design)

For information on our guest speakers, their research and downloadable podcast, click here:

Information Page: "1.6Degrees C., Rising And YOUR Critical In CLIMATE CHANGE!"(TM)(C.)